Callie Maya Hart was born 2:13am on 6-7-08! Mommie got her wish I wanted her born that day (even though I didn't want her to stay in that long!)
Birth Story: Went to the Dr Friday am on 6-6-08, where I was about 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I got my membranes stripped slightly and then went about my day of pampering! My Mom took me to get a pedicure and went and did other errands while the Nana was watching Logan. At around 10:30pm I heard a pop and then ran to the bathroom and realized my water broke. Then came the 2-3 minute apart contractions. I was upset because I didn't get any sleep the night before and thought I'd be in labor for awhile. Anyway, I called My Mom and The Nana and got in touch with the Nana first so she LITERALLY flew over to the house, forgetting to put her glasses on! She couldn't see a thing but made it to our house in about 2 minutes! By this time it's about 11pm and I was in agony, getting nervous because I wasn't getting a break in the pain. With Logan I had 5-8 minute apart contractions and at least got a break, with Callie it was one right after another. Michael drove us to the hospital, fast, might I mention. My birthing center is across the river and on this back road and I thought we were going to hit a deer or something. I asked him to slow down about 15 times! Got to the hospital around 11:30pm or 12am not sure and they checked me and I was only at 3-4 cm. I went from that to 6, to 8 and then fully dilated in the matter of like an hour and 1/2. My Mom and the Nana got there and almost missed Callie being born, since they took a walk down the hall. Callie was born 2:13am and came out screaming!